Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Final Destination: Erie, Pennsylvania

Our trip over was pretty good, apart from a few dramas. We arrived on time to Williamtown airport, Newcastle, and after checking in we said our goodbyes to the fam (with both Mothers getting quite emotional) and set off for Sydney. As soon as the plane got up it seemed to start going back down, a really quick flight but still long enough to get those interesting Qantas Pretzel and Rice Snack mixes.... When we arrived in Sydney we booked in then went to the information desk where Bromley heckled the Qantas representative trying to get us into Business class (to absolutely no avail). We managed to get what were considered ' better' seats in economy, however it ended up we had to wake this old lady up everytime Kimbo needed to go to the toilet....

Anyways, we met up with Hannah at Sydney Airport, who was flying to Europe the same time we were flying to the states (photo below just for you Han!) and had a coffee. The flight over was delayed 45 minutes, and when it finally begun it was long and tedious and we only managed to get a few hours sleep each. Due to the delayed departure, we arrived late, had to rush through point of entry and customs only to arrive at our transfer flight 5 minutes late. This happened with both our transfer flights but luckily we were let into both of them. Our final flight to Erie was short but sweet, Bromley managed to get the guy who was sitting next to him to give us his phone number.... which will be a good contact as he has grown up in Erie all his life. He promised to show us some pubs and sights (we've already seen plenty of pubs, not many sights!). Anyways, that was our trip over. We stayed at our hotel for 2 nights and have now moved into our new place....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my god, blog spost are kool! id never heard of it before darl! Nice work!
im the first to make a comment! weve had lotsa firsts together eh darl! wink wink

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hilarious kimbo. very thorough. i look forward to reading and seeing more unusual food photos in the future. and yes please post the diamond via express courier for safe keeping. xxx jess

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kimbo great to see you guys got there safe. well here is some goss for you just in case this didn,t make the news over there. all bilo stores will be turned into coles stores with kmart and theos up for changes to well enjoy the shopping see ya

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD! I knew something fishy was going on Peter.... those black aprons they made us wear were to upper class for Bi-Lo!! You should see the fruit and veg here, it's such bad quality, and some is heaps cheap, like nectarines/peaches $1.99 a kilo and some is way expensive like say pineapples $7 american.... mostly it is cheaper, but there are some dodgy dodgy tomatoes etc.... they need to employ me! hehe I wonder how they'd feel if I told them that

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys, this is absolutely fabulous! When you said you were going to do this I couldn't understand how it would be better than an email. Think you'll start a real trend..... please can I have one?
Great to see you getting stuck into local life!

6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi guys

kimbo im gald to see the focus of most of your discussion is food, lovely! take some pics of your house as well i want to see what your living in, just to make me that little bit more jealous.

i went on a pub crawl with uni on wednesday night, here is something you should try bromles... the boys (and some girls) were doing "shoeys" this is were you get your schooner poor it into someones shoe and skull.... GROSS!!!!!!!! its so yuck but they seemed to love it, that sweaty sock taste really must add to the flavour of the beer. i stuck to the bottle of wine i snuck in, in my bag, kimbo you would have been proud of my efforts!!

talk to you soon, keep up the pics

love sof

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I can see why you haven't written to me yet Kimbo - been very busy with the blogspots. Mum showed me and I think it is great. Aren't I a modern grandma? (Luckily I can't understqand some of the comments!)When I give up golf I will get one - a blogspot that is, and a laptop. Peter might get it for me cheap! Ha Ha.

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Darl, did the Niagara Falls weep more tears than you, due to your parting from us?
It's raining cats and dogs here, and even though I had it fixed, the gutter at the corner of the garage is still resembling said Falls!
Keep enjoying! - but make sure when you go to pick up Brommles from work next lunchtime you don't turn left instead of right, and leave him waiting outside in the heat for 45 minutes!
And Hi Brommles. How's work? Wearing that suit yet? You know, the one you said you'd wear every day to work? (Well, the one I said you should wear!) And I do hope Kimbo is ironing like a woman demented!

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Johns and Kimbo, nice work guys. Very diligent reporting, are you guys going to write this much all the time? You need a best of section.
just kidding,
take it easy and stay sobar for a bit eh.

10:59 PM  

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