Monday, August 07, 2006

Pennsylvania Law

Bromley is seriously considering becoming a permanent resident of beautiful Pennsylvania. On friday night enroute to a bbq, Bromley and Kimbo stopped off at a bottlo to pick up a beverage to consume at this bbq. Thinking a sixpack would fit the bill just nice we wandered in. We had already been warned that you get your wine and spirits at one bottlo while all beer must be purchased at a separate bottlo. So we picked up a nice Aussie red for Kimbo and headed off for the main attraction (the beer bottlo). Ps, by the way, a 750mL Jim Beam costs 13USD - bargain! Anyway - the main attraction. The gentleman in the store asked me what ill have and hed go get it for me. After a little interrogation as to why he didnt sell tooheys red, I decided on a sixpack of Yeungling (just this little drop a few people recommended to me along my ways). To my amazement, the guy said "no can do man - you gotta buy a case - STATE LAW! - sorry". Can you believe he said sorry - for telling me i have to buy more beer. I was in heaven. I just wish they brought this law in in Newcastle. Imagine how easy the reply is when Kimbo asks "Why do you drink so much Bromley?"................."STATE LAW darling!!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hotties,
I can't believe you guys know how to work this thing. Its awesome!!! Keep up the good work.
Oh and by the way, don't they have white wine in America? Or have I totally converted you to red!!!
Love and miss you both,
Big Hugs.xxxxx

P.S postcard on the way v. soon!!!

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aslong as the law applies to cases of wine as well kimbo would be just fine!

oi kimbo i am sitting in my p.j's at the computer wanting to have a shower but you said you would ring me at nine andthat was an hour ago!!!!!!! hurry up bitch you may be my best friend but a girl needs a shower!!!!!!

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be jealous Brommles. Josh still has over 75 bottles of beef left over from his birthday party!

12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brommles. Josh still has over 75 bottle of beer left over from his birthday party on Saturday. You're needed in Newcastle!

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to learn to drive this thing....

12:26 AM  

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