Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Our first snow!!

Last weekend North America had a cold front that came down from Canada, and we saw our first snow yay!!!!! These are some of our first snow fast facts:
  • We drove through a light snow storm on the way to Chicago (Daniel failed to slow down, but don't worry by the end of the weekend he was driving under the speed limit!).
  • Buffalo, a city 2 hours east of Erie got 22 inches of snow (more than they have ever gotten in October), I drove to Niagara yesterday (Tuesday - 3 days after snow) and there was still piles of snow on the side of the interstate.
  • Erie got like 3 inches but we missed it we were in Chicago.
  • We were in Chicago on the coldest October day since 1971.
By the way, anyone got any 'driving in the snow' tips?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Driving Tip - Don't do it! I have had some very near misses in the snow (like sliding side ways into on coming traffic!). If u do, don't use ur brakes. Buy a shovel and a scraper...better yet, get some else to drive!

3:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

steve who??

haha yeah ill take that tip - Kimbo its up to you!!

this guys car had about 2inches all over - would have been pretty funny if he came out and saw 4 random aussies stealing snow off his car and making snowballs then laughing like schoolgirls hehhehe

1:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snow Driving Tips for the latest American Blogstars....

Mr Bromley and Ms Phillis

I believe that the secret to successful driving in the snow covered roads can be summed up in approximately 45,000 pages. Attention Mr Bromley. For this solution you will need the following:

1 slide rule
2 lengths of high strength chain
1 baking dish
1 quart (~1L) of anti-freeze
1 punnet of cherry tomatoes
2 cups of bi-carbonate soda
Juice of 1 lime
1oz Loxodonta Africana skin
1 whip

Next, go to the local library or bookstore and purchase one copy of Friedrich Nietzsche's 'Beyond Good and Evil'.

Next, settle back with one corncob pipe, packed with dried and finely chopped natural plant species of choice, accompanied by one large tumbler of brandy. Immerse yourself in the book and transcend yourself to the next dimension, aided by the cocktail of alcohol and corncob pipe contents.

Once hallucinating sufficiently, place food contents in baking dish at arms length. Also ensure that whip is close by. Next take high strength chain and secure yourself tightly to the chair in which you are comfortably reclined in.

You have now prevented yourself from venturing onto the US road system. Any attempt to reach for the car keys shall be punished by 5 lashings.

I hope that this is sound advice and is a successful solution.

4:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Fred. Move over Martha Stewart!

Roads are places to avoid in a car in the snow, especially without chains.

7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kids its chris and em just letting you know we are home safe and sound after like 32 hours and counting san fran is awesome guys you gotta do the city tour any way talk soon and have fun as for us its back to reality.

8:54 PM  

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