Charlottesville, Virginia Y'aaaaallllll
For lunch, Dan took us to an Ethiopian restaurant with his Ethiopian friends. Man!!! Ethiopian food was awesome. The restaurant is a buffet setup with about 10 different Ethiopian casseroles. First you put injeri (pancake looking bread) on your plate - then cover with assortment of casseroles - then you grab about five more pieces of injeri to eat with. Ethiopians traditionally dont eat with silverware - instead the break off palm size pieces of injeri to pick the casserole up with. It was definitely an experience - we got so messy - and ate too much. It was awesome!!
After lunch, Dan gave us a guided tour through the University grounds. All the buildings were spectacular. We saw the Rotunda, the Library, The Lawn, a Reading Room and Edgar Allen Poe's dorm room from when he studied there. After walking off a bit of the Ethiopian food we took a walk through Charlottesville downtown. The mall was very reminiscent of Hunter Street Mall ... except there were people in it.
By this time it was getting toward party time - as expected of a college town. It was classic - the guys Dan lives with (an Ethiopian dude, a mexican dude and a black guy) bought a whole heap of burger patties and buns and we had a bbq - VERY AUSSIE!! Even though we cooked for 25 people in a single frying pan - it was awesome. After many beers we headed into town and got a bit more merry and the next thing I knew it was Sunday morning and all I could hear was "Brrrrroooooommmmmmlllllllleeeeeyyyyy - I feel sick" haha poor Kimbo.
Maybe a little tipsy.... (Notice that hot necklace Sof).
Bromley loved the dudes at the party because they kept saying how much he'd fit right in at a frat party, and that he looked like a frat dude (he is STILL going on about it and I think I'll be hearing about it for years and years to come - who knew frat boys had mullets!!).
This is Rugby Road at the University of Virginia.... in other words where all the frats and societies are.... lots of big mansions with greek letters!!
This is Dan's Uni - behind us is one of the most famous buildings designed by Thomas Jefferson (America's second president). Thomas Jefferson is the founder of the University of Virginia. The rooms along either side of the lawn are dorms that have no electricity or running water, however because they are historically significant, you have to be very esteemed to get in these dorms. They all have fireplaces and eskies out the front. Crazy people, it snows there!!
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