Chicago - The Windy City
After we spent the night in South Bend, IN (2hrs from Chicago) in the snow (see below) we headed for Chicago at about 8am. Although, because of the cold front coming through, we got out of the car in Antartica!! Man, it was so cold - And its only October!! They reckon -5 celsius with the wind chill!! Anyway we put on the warmest stuff we had and then started some touristy things.
We jumped on "The El" (elevated train system seen in all Chicago movies) and went over to Millenium and Grant Park. Both the parks are so beautiful and really brought the romantic out of big Broms!!
Then we walked down to Navy Pier which is like a shopping mall/carnival thing on a wharf. Very nice. Even though it was so cold it made my fella look like a piece of baby corn we had beautiful weather with the sun shining. So we took an architecture cruise through the rivers. The rivers are so nice and make Chicago very relaxing to walk around.
After the cruise we started walking toward the free Lincoln Park Zoo. However, after walking for about an hour and with the sun getting low we walked back into downtown and went up the John Hancock building. Sensational view.
The next day we spent the morning at Lincoln Park Zoo. The zoo was awesome - well worth the $0.00 we paid to enter!! After the zoo we went into downtown and saw a circus perform for free at the mayors building. They were excellent - best bit was watching these dudes skipping using this kid as the skipping rope!! Classic. PHOTO TIME!!!!!!!!

This dude we met had the personality of a brass statue - get it! MUHAHHAHAHA.
Daniel and Chris trying to hurt themselves - a frequent occurence!
We jumped on "The El" (elevated train system seen in all Chicago movies) and went over to Millenium and Grant Park. Both the parks are so beautiful and really brought the romantic out of big Broms!!
Then we walked down to Navy Pier which is like a shopping mall/carnival thing on a wharf. Very nice. Even though it was so cold it made my fella look like a piece of baby corn we had beautiful weather with the sun shining. So we took an architecture cruise through the rivers. The rivers are so nice and make Chicago very relaxing to walk around.
After the cruise we started walking toward the free Lincoln Park Zoo. However, after walking for about an hour and with the sun getting low we walked back into downtown and went up the John Hancock building. Sensational view.
The next day we spent the morning at Lincoln Park Zoo. The zoo was awesome - well worth the $0.00 we paid to enter!! After the zoo we went into downtown and saw a circus perform for free at the mayors building. They were excellent - best bit was watching these dudes skipping using this kid as the skipping rope!! Classic. PHOTO TIME!!!!!!!!

This dude we met had the personality of a brass statue - get it! MUHAHHAHAHA.
Downtown Chicago - Ohhhh. There are sooo many bridges!
The view from the top of the John Hancock Building. Chicago is so pretty, it's right on the shore of Lake Michigan.
And it even has beaches! I read in a tourist book that it advised NEVER to swim in the lake as it's too cold.
The giant jelly bean statue in Millenium Park. Cool reflection!
Night view from John Hancock building.

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